General Focus / Mindset:
Week 1 ProgressionCasualFarmProgStream TeamBeginner-Friendly
Interested In:
Savage RaidingExtremesOld ContentSocialLGBTQ+
Main Job(s):
German, English
!!HE/HIM!! Veteran WHM main, been playing since the end of 3.0. A bit iffy on other classes, but an expert at white mage.
FF LogsI started raiding in 2022 when the Asphodelos (Savage) raids came out, but had to stop due to toxicity. I picked it back up with some friends in Abyssos (Savage) around February 2023 and finished the tier in April 2023, right before the release of Anabaseios. I cleared P9S, P10S, and P11S but didn't clear P12S. I was at Pangenesis 1 when I had to leave again due to toxicity. I more recently have been spending free time teaching P8S to people who haven't cleared/new players. I have cleared M1S and M2S.