General Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionOptimizationHCMCBlind ProgProgStream TeamBeginner-Friendly

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesPvPLGBTQ+

Main Job(s):


Hey, So Mid-Hard core PF raider atm XD looking to get BIS gear atm for my reaper than to work on all the ultimates! Looking for any kind of Static to work with. currently on p10s and would love to clear it by the end of the week ^.^

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

Uh so i've cleared p9s around 15-20 times? gotten 5 friends through it. All down while in PF my best parse so far was 650 gear and was a 30% parse on reaper. I try to raid everyday but im down to work with any schedule!