General Focus / Mindset:
sHCMCBlind ProgProg
Interested In:
Savage RaidingExtremesLGBTQ+Mature
Main Job(s):
Very punctual, dedicated to clearing and clearing and kicking butt. Also generally laid back and relaxed, no toxicity here. Receptive of and eager for critique, even if I don't have much care for numbers. The only thing I really dislike is long periods of raid time spent doing nothing...I'm on and geared to play and fight. Discussing stuff is good, it's great to get everyone on the same page, but just sitting around doing nothing for most of a lockout because whatever? Bleh.
Savage is the aim but extremes before that's open are a heck yes!
Favorite classes are BRD, MCH, DNC, SMN, BLM, SCH, AST, but I like pretty much everything except WHM, really
Oh, and I am mute. Physical disability and all, no voice, but I can hear just fine and I type better than most, so communication is no issue.
Available 7pm-12am most days!
I've been raiding off and on since 2.0. Cleared Twintania when she was current and all that, usually hit a few exes and the odd savage tier as my attention for the game wanders and such. Generally very competent and very very flexible.