General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingOld ContentLGBTQ+

Main Job(s):


Currently interested in: Ultimates: FRU/TEA/UWU/UCOB Savage Reclears Criterion/Savage

About me:

What I bring:

  • Consistent attendance: 7 other people are setting aside time to gather for raiding; life may happen now and again but I respect others' time.
  • Focused mindset: We're all ultimately here for a purpose; to clear the raid. I buckle down and bring 100% to every raid.
  • Versatile raider: I'm not committed to any one job or role. I play some better than others but I'm willing & able to flex as needed to fill gaps.
  • Diligent research: I don't see a need to reinvent the wheel; I habitually research various methods of approaching mechanics and try to verse myself in all of them.
  • Blind-prog friendly: I also enjoy solving fights sight-unseen. I will do research after we've successfully cleared but I have no problems remaining blind for prog.
  • No ego trip: I have no issues owning up to my mistakes, and always do my best to improve. Likewise I understand no one's perfect and screw ups happen; I don't castigate people for mistakes.
  • Determination: I don't get mad. I don't get discouraged. Dust ourselves off and try again; failure is part of raiding. (I consider Dark Souls to be a very zen game.)

What I don't bring:

  • The memes: I don't mind people making jokes and goofing off between pulls; so long as it doesn't get in the way of raiding. But it's not what I'm here for.
  • Top 1% parses: I'm here for clears, not flexing my DPS. Doesn't mean I don't do the best I can, but you won't find me greeding for an extra hit.
  • PF strat familiarity: I've only really done this tier with my previous static who didn't always use PF standard. Willing to learn new strats, but will need to be introduced to the way you want things done.

What I expect:

  • No gear greed: A group-first mindset. Loot distributed based on group needs before personal desires.
  • Committed members: No loot 'n scoot. Set some goals and ensure everyone gets what they want out of the tier before moving on.
  • Consistent improvement: Clears not happening? Let's find out why and get it cleaned up and consistent. No ego, no casting blame, work as a group to get it done.
  • All for one: Had a member drop out? Find a new member and, if needed, help them clear back up to the current prog point.


Strongly prefer tank role, but willing to flex to other jobs if needed. Care more about raiding with a friendly crew than speedy progression, but do expect everyone to take things seriously and consistently aim to improve if clears aren't happening. Willing to commit 2-3 days, 8-18 hours a week to raiding, spread among listed availability.

Can also level other jobs to fill roles if needed, but will need time. Feel free to message me on discord @nyito to ask me any questions!

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

Previously raided Coil back in ARR. Hardcore raid leader in old-school WoW, from vanilla up to cataclysm, clearing most heroic raids. Cleared current tier on week 9 with a 4 hour/week schedule.