General Focus / Mindset:

MCCasualBlind Prog

Interested In:



Hello, we are recruiting now for Blind UCOB from phase 2 onwards! After clearing UWU, we are setting our sights on a new ultimate - UCOB, but blind this time. No guides, just us. What we expect out of a group:

  • Timeliness. Can't make it? Need to be a bit late or drop out a bit early? Communicate.
  • Patience. This is a big undertaking and we need to work as a team and solve problems together, not cause them.
  • Motivation. We want people who are happy to be there and experience a puzzle, and can make a few jokes while still giving an earnest effort in the process.
  • Experience. Savage experience is REQUIRED. Other Ultimate experience is a MAJOR plus!

If you think you'd be interested or a good fit and ready to tackle this challenge together, contact me on discord (enbieflame) to talk it out and submit your proof of experience/logs. Right now a dps is needed!

Tuesday    10:00PM - 12:30AM
Wednesday    10:00PM - 12:30AM
Saturday    10:00PM - 12:30AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/North_Dakota/Center.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).  Login to customize your timezone

Current Roster

X'aerhan Nunh Twintania