General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

Savage RaidingMature


We're a very casual static, focus is on having fun together (which includes the occasional laughter at each others expense), and while finishing the tier would be nice, if it can't be done in time then that's ok, we all agree that real life is important and thus progress is slow. In general we don't go blind, but on rare occasions it can happen.

We raid 4 hours /week split on 2 days, start is usually around 18:00-20:00ST, exact days and time is decided on weekly based on each member's availability. Goal is to have each member raid atleast 2 hours/weekly, while 4 is optimal. We also have a number of backup cookies (friends) who help out whenever someone isn't available or cancels. We do stream for our friends in discord occasionally when asked for it, it's nothing official though. We are currently progging m4s and have started to see parts of the 2nd phase (though no promises on not making mistakes at the start xD).

Monday    5:00PM - 8:00PM
Tuesday    5:00PM - 8:00PM
Wednesday    5:00PM - 8:00PM
Thursday    5:00PM - 8:00PM
Friday    5:00PM - 8:00PM
Saturday    5:00PM - 8:00PM
Sunday    5:00PM - 8:00PM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in Europe/Stockholm.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).  Login to customize your timezone

Current Roster

Milla Surnath
Milla Surnath Ragnarok
Reyosa Byrne
Reyosa Byrne Twintania