General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingLGBTQ+Mature

Ensemble is open for recruitment
Recruiting since 4 days ago  

  Looking for 4 members for the following job(s):   

TLDR; LF4 Tank, Healers, Caster FRU on curve clear sHC 16h 4 days a week(FRU schedule)

[LFM][4/8][sHC][FRU] LF: Tank, Healers, Caster DPS

Schedule: FRU schedule: 6-7 PST start time, 10-11 PST end time, Days to be determined. 4 days 16 hours minimum set in stone.

Trial schedule: 6-7 PST 9-10 PST end time, Wed-Sat, days TBD by applicant.

Roster: Tank - Ensem Hospitis

Melee DPS - Monisette Aurchiat

Flex DPS (Melee, PRanged) - Lily Thai

Phys Ranged Yoyo Ginju -

Goals & Expectations:

  • around 6 week clear
  • 3h 4 days a week practice leading into FRU, possibly DSR for coms/teambuilding
  • Take the team seriously enough to complete our goals in a reasonable time.
  • Ability to communicate and give/receive criticism and understand that it is all business and nothing personal
  • A solid mental attitude. Burnout and frustration will happen, bouncing back and staying focused and having fun and being healthy is always the main goal. Do not take stress or frustrations out on anyone.
  • Be on time and communicate beforehand any potential absences from raid in advance.

What we're looking for

  • someone with like minded goals and expectations
  • comfortable with long hours of raiding
  • consistency and flexibility, able to play your role well and enjoy it
  • ability to recover from tilt or does not tilt easily or at all.
  • communication in and out of raid
  • dedication, not afraid to ask questions and learn or take time out of your own day for help or improving yourself.

Schedule and timing will be slightly flexible until group is filled. Holidays will be considered within the clear time and possibly push that time back, including Thanksgiving for NA players.

Provide your logs and a bit about yourself/experiences raiding Savage & Ultimate in you DM <3 Discord: lilyminajxo


About us: Ensemble is a newly forming Ultimate group with some solid experience across most raid tiers. We are looking to complete FRU on curve and form a group that possibly lasts for future content. We are looking for players who understand what they are getting into and value each others time as well as have a good time playing the game together and getting things accomplished. We expect punctuality, clarity and commitment if you sign up.

Thursday    1:00AM - 5:00AM
Friday    1:00AM - 5:00AM
Saturday    1:00AM - 5:00AM
Sunday    1:00AM - 5:00AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/New_York.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).  Login to customize your timezone

Current Roster

Ensem Hospitis
Ensem Hospitis Adamantoise
Monisette Aurchiat
Monisette Aurchiat Exodus
Lily Thai
Lily Thai Brynhildr