General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingOld ContentSocialCasual/OtherLGBTQ+Mature


We are a casual FFXIV static group currently seeking members to join our ranks. We are done with the Ultimate Weapon's Refrain (UwU); We took a break for a few months and now We plan to continue doing hard content. We are down to help any new member as long that person is respectful and has the desire to grow as a player; some of our former members from the UWU clear were players who were new to hard content or/and didn't know their rotation properly, eventually they overcame it by working together with us, being open to criticism and looking on their own time how to improve by asking or watching videos.

Our group is composed of experienced and friendly players who are passionate about raiding and having fun with the content. As old hardcore and mid-core raiders, we found that is better for us to balance progression with a more casual approach to the game. We do not care on how long it will take / meta classes/if your logs are better than X person/etc. If you want to improve and grow as a raider, we will be available all week to answer your questions and doubts.

We are looking for members who meet the following requirements:

-Let us know what experience you have in raiding: P1S through P12S/other raids in past expansions/none (this will help us understand what level your skill is initially and how we can approach it). -Know the basics of your Main Job. This means that you know what you are supposed to do as a tank/healer/DPS and the essentials of your rotation. Ex: As a Tank how to do a tank swap -Be flexible with making adjustments to rotation and gear if needed (depending on the content). -Be dedicated to the prog even on days that we may get stuck in one mechanic for hours, so we can see this content to completion. -Have your schedule free for the raid times each weekend and be ready before the raiding time starts; if something happens or is an emergency, be open a let us know before raiding time so we can find a fill or bring someone to fill for you. -Be mature, we like to talk about our mistakes and how to learn from them, we don't do it to point fingers or blame others (no dramas).

Our raiding time for now is only one day until we get a consistent 8 members: Saturday: 7pm to 11pm EST Break of 15min at 9pm EST (Bathroom Break/grab a snack/drink water/etc.) The Content to challenge will be decided in a Poll between Savage P9S to P12S or Ultimate TEA/UCoB

If you think you have what it takes to join our group please reach out to us by leaving a msg here or in discord to Afrien_art. We look forward to hearing from you and taking on this challenge together! Also, the Discord is open not only for main members, anyone interested in helping/ filling/ chatting is welcome. We are LGBTQ+ friendly.

Saturday    11:00PM - 3:00AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/New_York.
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Current Roster

Afrien Newgate
Afrien Newgate Faerie
Lilah Aemel
Lilah Aemel'da Cactuar