General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesDungeonsCasual/Other

Room 5 is open for recruitment
Recruiting since 7 days ago  

  Looking for 1 member for the following job(s):   

TLDR; "Savage"aa

Some of us have played together for over 10 years and are looking for a long term member. We have currently cleared the savage tier and are progging Ucob but are looking for a new melee possibly for the new ultimate and 100% the next savage tier. Joining now we'd like to do reclears with you and potentially other old ultimates.

Looking for a competent player that know their job pretty well and has a bit of experience. However we are not super hardcore and like to have fun so don't take yourself too seriously, have a bit of a laugh and we'll get along fine.

We raid 2 days a week listed in the schedule (Fri and Sun), Raid times are 6:30pm-10pm UK time but sometimes finish early if people need it. You need to be able to make most raids as we've had problems with it in the past. When a new tier starts we add 1 extra day a week for the first 2-3 weeks as well.

Looking for long-term players to do savage with next-tier and most likely ex's and ultimates in downtime.


Room Five is a group of friends from all over Europe. We're all 30+ so pretty casual (and old, very sad), and like to have a good time and a laugh some people have known each other 20+ years and some 10+ years so we're looking to add some people long term. We at least clear every tier so we can get our heads down when we need to. We all like to do other stuff in between whether it's mount farm or even other games.

Looking for a couple of players currently due to old friends no longer being in the group.

Friday    5:30PM - 9:00PM
Sunday    5:30PM - 9:00PM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in Europe/Paris.
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Current Roster

Zexi Teru
Zexi Teru Shiva