General Focus / Mindset:
Interested In:
Savage RaidingLGBTQ+
[LFM] [Savage] [6/8] [NA] [Melee DPS + Ranged Physical] XIVRecruit Link -
Currently on M4S Twilight Sabbath
Current Comp: WAR DRK SCH AST You RPR PCT You
Schedule: Wed + Fri 7 PM EST - 10 PM EST
Expectations `1. Be kind. No toxicity. Mistakes will be made.
- Have a good understanding of your job.
- Be open to advice and suggestions.
- Encourage each other. Celebrate victories.
- Watch guides/toolboxes/PoVs ahead of new mechanics to at least get an idea of what is going on
- Be flexible and willing to try new strats if better ones are found.
- Be respectful of everyone's time, try to show up on time (maybe even 5-10 minutes early if you can), and let us know if something comes up and you can't make a raid night so we can figure out subbing.`
DM if interested
Thursday | 11:00PM - 2:00AM |
Saturday | 11:00PM - 2:00AM |
Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/Los_Angeles.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC). Login to customize your timezone
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