General Focus / Mindset:

MCCasualBlind ProgProg

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesOld ContentTreasure Maps


Hello, we are a group of friends that are trying to clear Extremes, Savage raids, and hopefully down the line Ultimates blind. We are a fairly chill group that meet up every Sunday to make progress on fights and enjoy chilling and making progress each week to clear each of the fights.

Monday    1:30AM - 4:00AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/New_York.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).  Login to customize your timezone

Current Roster

Jeffy Westwood
Jeffy Westwood Brynhildr
Yui Furukawa
Yui Furukawa Lamia
Frederyk Rynil
Frederyk Rynil Leviathan