General Focus / Mindset:
sHCMCCasualBlind ProgProg
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesOld ContentLGBTQ+Mature
Smudge Knights is open for recruitment
Looking for 0 member for the following job(s):
TLDR; Blind prog, MC/sHC LF 1 regen healer for savage content and more.
Smudge Knights is a MC/SHC blind prog static looking for members to tackle end game content. We are looking to have fun and enjoy end game content with an engaged and competent group while progressing through current tiers.
We are looking for one pure healer to round out the group for upcoming M5-8, and taking on ultimate content between tiers.
The schedule for M5-8 is as follows: MTWTh, 6:30-10:30 CST (16h) 10 Week clear or drop date (release to PF)
Please include your discord in the application message, and for further inquiries, contact mcfluffles on discord.
Thanks for dropping by the Smudge Knights XIV Recruit page.
We are a MC/Semi-HC blind prog group tackling savage and ultimate content while prioritizing having fun and working together to clear endgame content. We also enjoy returning to old tiers/content and getting clears for fun.
If recruitment is open, we hope to get the chance to consider you for acceptance :)
Tuesday | 12:30AM - 4:30AM |
Wednesday | 12:30AM - 4:30AM |
Thursday | 12:30AM - 4:30AM |
Friday | 12:30AM - 4:30AM |
Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/Chicago.
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