General Focus / Mindset:
sHCMCStream Team
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage Raiding
Hi everyone,
Due to the burnout/lack of content in EW, our static broke up since several of them simply aren't interested in raiding in FF anymore. So, myself and two friends are looking to either join a pre-existing group for Dawntrail or bring people in to fill out a roster for the 7.01/2 savage as well as the Eden Ultimate. Planned raid times are 3-4 hours each on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, with start and end times being negotiable once we have the full group together. Here are our logs and Tomestone.ggs
Reaper: ,
Picto/Omnicaster: ,
PLD/Omnitank: ,
The reaper and caster are quadra-legends with the PLD being in phase 6 of DSR as of the posting of this message. We have midcore hours with a semi-hardcore mindset, being that we fully believe that raid members should take the initiative to come prepared to clear and, if they're having difficulty, take the time and effort to run simulators, hit up party finder, pull vods, or otherwise do whatever's needed aside from the usual courtesies of showing up on time with food/pots/etc. This isn't to say that we don't plan on enjoying ourselves and screwing around a bit, but making sure that the group has the same goals and approximate skill level is pretty important.
The reaper and caster cleared Anabaseios early week 5, so that's the target goal for the first raid tier of DT. Given that the first raid tier is usually easier than the others, it's likely that we'll clear sooner than that. Once savage is done, we plan on looking at the Eden Ultimate. Afterward, keeping the group together for subsequent tiers would be great, along with hangouts, mount farms, and such. Streamers are welcome for either vod recording or entertainment.
If interested, hit up Altaire Q'orani on Leviathan, DMs, or Discord at qorani
Tuesday | 11:00PM - 3:00AM |
Thursday | 11:00PM - 3:00AM |
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