General Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionOptimizationHCsHCFarmProg

Interested In:

Savage RaidingSocialLGBTQ+Mature


Semi-Hardcore Week 1 NA Savage group recruiting any position to fill our last two spots.

We are mature, adult raiders and long-time friends. We highly value a relaxed, friendly social environment, positive attitudes, while maintaining a standard of professionalism and competitiveness.

The team consists of veteran raiders, With some members playing and raiding since ARR (2.0). We collectively have many Week 1 Savage clears, as well as Ultimate clears.

Our goal is a Week 1 clear on a moderate workload, while maintaining a regular (NA) sleep schedule.

More specifically, our (tentative) Week 1 plan is:

Tuesday: 5 hours (regular start) Wednesday: 12 hours (LONG day) Thursday: 5 hours (regular start) Friday: 6 hours (regular start, late end) Saturday: 12 hours (LONG day) Sunday: 12 hours (LONG day) Monday: 5 hours (regular start)

Progress will NOT be blind. The plan is to do a lot of research and strat-plagiarizing to cut down on prog time and we have no problem using proven strategies to give us an advantage on Week 1.

We're looking for similar-minded players to fill out our roster.

If interested, please apply here or message me on discord (Talixium).

Tuesday    1:00AM - 6:00AM
Wednesday    3:00PM - 3:00AM
1:00AM - 6:00AM
Friday    1:00AM - 6:00AM
Saturday    3:00PM - 6:00AM
1:00AM - 6:00AM
Sunday    3:00PM - 6:00AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/Edmonton.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).  Login to customize your timezone

Current Roster

Meastoso Disperde
Meastoso Disperde Behemoth
Chet Mix
Chet Mix Sargatanas
Bokchoy Mcnuggets
Bokchoy Mcnuggets Sargatanas
Sumi Su
Sumi Su Sargatanas
Talixium Manwe
Talixium Manwe Sargatanas
Banos Stillbringer
Banos Stillbringer Sargatanas
Peach Pai
Peach Pai Leviathan