General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

Savage RaidingExtremesSocial


Greetings, Warrior of Light!

We're a Casual/Mid-Core static group aiming to clear Extremes Week 1 and then move onto Savage starting from Week 2 Onwards after the strategies have been solidified. We will prog through the fights week by week to clear together!

We're raiding at specific times for short hours (2 Sessions of around 1.5 hours each), so the expectation is that everyone does the prep work ahead of time. Punctuality and attendance is critical.

No Previous Raiding or extreme experience required. We're happy to share, teach, and prog together. A Casual atmosphere with during prog.

Reach out to 'tenchis' on Discord if you want to discuss more

Wednesday    1:00AM - 3:00AM
Saturday    1:00AM - 3:00AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/Los_Angeles.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).  Login to customize your timezone

Current Roster

Kuras Thorne
Kuras Thorne Cactuar
Val Divia
Val Divia Cactuar
Tav Lae
Tav Lae Cactuar
Astrid Rain
Astrid Rain Faerie
Ilil Sphirith
Ilil Sphirith Cactuar
Luanna Vanih
Luanna Vanih Coeurl
Amaterasu Suisei
Amaterasu Suisei Cactuar
Tenchi Sawada
Tenchi Sawada Cactuar