General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:



Just wanting to take a break from bad FRU experience to clear another ultimate we haven't done yet, please check the times to make sure it works with you!

[LFM] [sHC] [UCOB] [3/8] [Tank] [Pure Healer/Phys range] [Shield Healer] [Melee]

Hello! I am making a temporary group to clear UCOB with, this is a soft hardcore group that emphasizes on having a good time while maintaining consistency wherever we can

We are also LGBTQIA+ and Furry Friendly so be not afraid!

Meeting times: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: 7:30 pm - 11:30 PM est


Show up on time!! Please try to be in the party by 7:25 to 7:30, earlier the better but I do not want to start late if possible, if you are going to be late please tell me why so I know

Have Prior raid experience (Ultimate experience is preferred as well but not required)

Study up on where we are at the fight and ask questions if need be

Maintain a Positive Mental Attitude, unnecessary hostility and unconstructive criticism will not be tolerated

Roster: <:TankRole:1277726561688096870> : N/A <:Tank:996577307969998929> : N/A <:Healer:996577205050159285> : <:WHM:1277726691137163315> (willing to play phys ranged) <:Healer:996577205050159285> : N/A <:melee:888513703631290388> : <:DRG:917504031394517093> <:melee:888513703631290388> : N/A <:Caster:996577166630342706> : <:SMN:917504145311805602> <:Ranged:996577266144378931> : N/A

(NOTE: Please Provide FFLOGS upon dming me for extra info, Thanks for reading!)

Wednesday    12:30AM - 5:00AM
Thursday    12:30AM - 5:00AM
Friday    12:30AM - 5:00AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/Indiana/Indianapolis.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).  Login to customize your timezone

Current Roster

Lance Masamune
Lance Masamune Diabolos